Friday, April 15, 2011

MEXICO 2011!!!!

The Anuual Bugarin Mexico Trek took place in March as it does every year.  This year just Jay, Aiden, Guia, and Roberto went.  I stayed home with Alex (he's too little to sit in the car that long and I really didn't want to either) 
The family left on a Wednesday afternoon and unfortunately ran into some AWFUL weather on I-70 and cautiously decided to pull to the side and wait it out.  The waited 6 long hours.  Aiden slept a majority of that time and woke wondering if they were in Mexico now.  Funny! 
They were able to make it to Vegas where they met up with Tia Sena and her friend Lupe.  Everyone arrived safely and were able to visit with family that lives in the area and then headed out the next day.
The trip to Mexico/U.S. border was good and everyone was "let" in. 

Aiden had a GREAT (huge understatement) time.  He played with cousins and was kissed by aunties and put to work by his uncles.  He ran around barefoot in the dirt, milked a cow, drank warm cows milk, held baby chicks, watch his great grandpa sell some goats, went to the movie theater and saw a movie in Spanish, and went potty in an outhouse!!! 

Jay had an amazing time as well getting to see his cousins and family.  He ate WAY too much and enjoyed watching Aiden adapt and embrace life in Mexico.  Of course Jay went to the mall and shopped a bit and went to the movies. 

Jay and Aiden left Guia and Roberto after a couple of days and headed up to Cali with Sena and Lupe.  Jay and Aiden were able to see even more relatives and enjoy more recreational activities.  Thank you for those who put them up...

Aiden and Jay headed home a few days later by airplane to my OPEN and HAPPY arms.  I missed them more than I thought and really didn't enjoy the time alone.  The only bright side of their trip was training Alex to sleep in a crib in Aiden's room. 

Now get ready for TONS (like 40) of pictures...some captions but will be posted soon.

Cool dude!
Cool dudettes
(Sena & Lupe)

The goat shack

Hottest guy I know!
Aiden "stunned" that grandma
can start a fire!  (boys)

Grandma Jesus & Grandpa Ezekiel
Hilda & Lupe

Aiden working on the Ranch.
Hanging out at the Ranch.

Always with the girls
Alejandra, Andrea

Cactus....and girls

(love this one)
Abram, Tio Martin, Aiden

"touching a boob"
(from the mouth of a babe)
drinking the "warm" milk

Abram getting a turn
Jay and his cousin Rosalba

Cute girls
Lupe & Sena

Cousin Leti & Tia Lupe

Aunt Maria
(Roberto's sister)

Lenchito & Jay

Uncle Chon and Sena
*Note the belt buckle
group shot

group shot
Cousin Edgar and his wife

 Andrea, Alejandra,
Prima Sandra and her hubby

The Office
Aiden & Grandma Jesus

Grandpa Ezekiel
Abram, Aiden, & Junior

Jay and Tia Angie

Abram, Tio Tino, & Aiden
Abram, Adrianna, Jay, Aiden, Martin
Leti, and Alejandra

Jay, Abram, Chonito, & Aiden
Tia Angie and family

Jay & Chonito
Rene & Aiden
(friend of the family)

Daddy & Aiden

Goats...before they were sold


jeanette said...

Awesome! I can't wait to see you in a few weeks...I am visiting CO.

Connie and Mike said...

Awesome!! Many memories... Hugs and Kisses... Mike and Connie

Heather Matthews said...

Hi Sarah,

We wanted to let you know about our new site:

Mommy Giggles is a site where moms submit funny pictures to share with other moms to get a giggle out of. They can either be pictures of their kids or of other hilarious “mommy moments”

We are contacting you to see if you have a funny picture that we could post – we would of course give you the credit, and also post your blog (if you want). There is also a $25 Amazon Gift card drawing to everyone who submits a photo each month.

We also would appreciate if you could spread the word about our site to other moms too!

We hope you will get a “giggle” out of our site.

Warmest Regards,

Heather Matthews & Heidi Werry

Natalie & Aaron said...

looks like an adventure! hope you are doing great mis ya

Holly Strong said...

Hey I just realized I don't have your email. Email me